Saturday, November 11, 2006


Como já mencionei, houve, há alguns dias, no campus Tom Jobim da Universidade Estácio de Sá, um modelo das Nações Unidas para os estudantes de segundo grau, a ONU Jr. Soube ontem, por minha amiga Marcela, que os organizadores do evento simularam uma crise para que os embaixadores dos países membros do Conselho de Segurança decidissem com base nas notícias veiculadas e entrevistas realizadas pela jornalista Susan Arlington, vivida por Marcela.
Vejam como ficaram as filmagens!

Satellite live broadcast made by UN News Agency to the ambassators at the UN Security Council on November, 6th of 2006 during a meeting to discuss the situation on Kosovo.
The interview was made at Sarajevo, Bosnia, by Mrs. Susan Arlington, one of the UN News Agency special reporter to the Balkans. In this video, she´s interviewing the Serbian president, Mr. Boris Tadjic about the serbian activities in the Kosovar border.

The interview was made at Pristine, Kosovo, by Mrs. Susan Arlington, one of the UN News Agency special reporter to the Balkans. In this video, she´s interviewing the KFOR(NATO Force to Kosovo) Commander, Liutenant-Colonel Hubert Schimidt about the serbian activities in the Kosovar border and about the shutdown of UNMIK facilities in Kosovo.

Acidental footage made by a UN News Agency team in a Pristina basement parking, when Mrs. Susan Arlington and her cinegrafist were shot. They were heading for the UN van in order to go back to the UN office. The video tape was found in the camera by KFOR officers that went to the scene. Until now, no one knows who fired the shots, and the crime is still unsolved.


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